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Airfoil Design, A Third Dimension

Airfoil Design, A Third Dimension

A Third Dimension To this point, the discussion has centered on the flow across the upper and low…

Airfoil Design, Airfoil Behavior

Airfoil Design, Airfoil Behavior

Airfoil Behavior  Although specific examples can be cited in which each of the principles predict a…

Airfoil Design, Pressure Distribution

Airfoil Design, Pressure Distribution

Pressure Distribution  From experiments conducted on wind tunnel models and on full size airplanes,…

Airfoil Design, High Pressure Below

Airfoil Design, High Pressure Below

High Pressure Below A certain amount of lift is generated by pressure conditions underneath the a…

Airfoil Design, Low Pressure Above

Airfoil Design, Low Pressure Above

Low Pressure Above  In a wind tunnel or in flight, an airfoil is simply a streamlined object inse…

Aircraft: Global Positioning System (GPS)

Aircraft: Global Positioning System (GPS)

Global Positioning System (GPS) GPS is a satellite-based navigation system composed of a network …

Aircraft: Navigation Instruments

Aircraft: Navigation Instruments

Navigation Instruments The navigation instruments indicate the position of the aircraft in relati…